作者 |
论文 |
谷敏强,刘智斌 |
The countability of induced R(L)-fuzzy topological spaces.2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology(ICMT):2675-2678 |
李健 |
Chaos and entropy for interval maps. J. Dynam. Differential Equations 23 (2011), no. 2, 333–352. |
李健 |
Transitive points via Furstenberg family. Topology Appl. 158 (2011), no. 16, 2221–2231. |
林福荣,张德才(2) |
BTTB preconditioners for BTTB least squares problems, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 434 (2011), pp. 2285--2295. |
娄增建, S. Ye |
Cyclic vectors and cellular indecomposable operators on Qp spaces, Acta Mathematica Scientia 31B(2011), No.2, 434–440 |
娄增建, S. Ye |
Cyclic Vectors in the weighted VMOA Space, Rocky Mount. J. Math. 41(2011), No.6, 2087-2096. |
麦结华 |
Minimal sets in compact connected subspaces, Topology Appl., Vol. 158, No. 16, pp. 2216 - 2220. (October 1, 2011) |
麦结华, Shao Song (2) |
Forcing relation on patterns of invariant sets and reductions of interval maps, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 363, No. 5, May 2011, pp. 2517 - 2549. |
麦结华, Cui-Jun Liu(2), Xin-He Liu(3) |
Products and Decompositions of Adding Machines, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 382, No. 1, 2011, pp. 261 - 274. (October 1, 2010) |
麦结华, Gengrong Zhang(2), Taixiang Sun(3) |
Recurrent points and non-wandering points of graph maps, J. Math. Anal. Appl. V. 383, No.2, pp. 553 - 559. (Nov. 15, 2011) |
谭超强 |
非齐性空间上新型奇异积分算子的弱(1,1)不等式(中山大学学报,2011年第2期50卷20-24页) |
谭超强, Song Liang, Tanchaoqiang and Yan Lixin |
谭超强, Li Ji, Song Liang and Tan Chaoqiang |
Various Characterizations of product Hardy Space(PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Volume 139, Numeber 12(2011), Pages 4385-4400) |
韦才敏, Zou ZB, Wang JJ |
Wei CM,Zou ZB,Wang JJ. A general decrementing service policy in the Geom/G/1 queueing model with multiple adaptive vacations.ICIC Express Letters,2011,5(3):719-726. |
韦才敏,邹宗保 |
韦才敏,邹宗保.带有广义随机工作休假的Geom/Geom/1排队系统.山东大学学报(理学版),2011,46(6):103-109. |
韦才敏, Wang JB |
Wang JB,Wei CM. Parallel machine scheduling with a deteriorating maintenance activity and total absolute differences penalties. Applied Mathematics and Computation,2011,217(20):8093-8099. |
乌兰哈斯, Ye,F. |
The Fej\'{e}r-Riesz inequality for the Besov spaces, Acat Math.Soc.27(2011),10,1995–2004. |
乌兰哈斯, Hao Li |
Linear differential equations with solutions in the QK spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 375 (2011) , 478–489. |
杨守志, Li youfa |
Dual Multiwavelet Frames with Symmetry from Two-direction Refinable Functions, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 2011,37: 199-214 |
杨守志, Li youfa |
Construction of symmetric or anti-symmetric B-spline wavelets and their dual wavelets, International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2011, 88(5):1024-1034 |
杨忠强, G. Wei and Y. Wang |
Methods for constructing Choquet capacity preserving and ergodic systems: examples, Interna. J. Intelligent Tech. Appl. Stat. 4 (2011), 201--220. |
叶瑞松 |
A novel chaos-based image encryption scheme with an efficient permutation-diffusion mechanism,Optics Communications,2011,284, 5290–5298 |
叶瑞松, Liebin Yan(1) |
Image Encryption Using Novel Mappings over GF(2^n), Studies in Mathematical Sciences, 2011,2(1), 96-106. |
叶瑞松, Songxian Wu(2) |
Application of Chaotic Ergodicity in Image Encryption and Watermarking, Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering (MACE), 2011, pp. 7196--7199 |
叶瑞松 |
An image encryption scheme with efficient permutation and diffusion processes, Communications in Computer and Information Science, v202 CCIS, pp. 32--39, 2011, Advances in Computer Science and Education Applications-International Conference CSE2011 |
叶瑞松, Wei Zhou(2) |
An Image Encryption Scheme Based on 2D Tent Map and Coupled Map Lattice, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, 2011, 1(8), 344-348 |
余成杰, Albert Chau, Luen-Fai Tam |
Pseudo-locality of Ricci flow and Applications. Canad. J. Math. 63 (2011), no. 1, 55–85 |
余成杰 |
Non-positively curved Hermitian metrics on product manifolds. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 (2011), no. 4, 1469–1472 |