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日期: 2022-05-07      信息来源:      点击数:



鲍官龙, J.Pau

Boundary multipliers of a family of Möbius invariant function spaces, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 41 (2016), no. 1, 199–220.


Y. H. Zhang, Y. R. Hou* and Li. Shan, Stability and convergence analysis of a decoupled algorithm for a fluid-fluid interaction problem, SIAM J Numerical Analysis, 54(5): 2833-2867, 2016

方睿, Chen Li; Xiaohu Li

Stochastic comparisons on sample extremes of dependent and heterogenous observations



方睿, Yinping You; Xiaohu Li

Allocating active redundancies to k-out-of-n reliability systems with permutation monotone component lifetimes

方睿, Xiaohu Li

Nonparametric tests for strictly increasing virtual valuations

方睿, Xiaohu Li; Linxiong Li

Generalized Multivariate Gumbel Distributions - Dependence, Aging Properties and Applications

方睿, Xiaohu Li; Yinping You

on weighted k-out-of-n systems with statistically dependent component lifetimes

方睿, Xiaohu Li

On Allocating One Active Redundancy to Coherent Systems with Dependent and Heterogeneous Components’Lifetimes

李健, Xiangdong Ye

Recent development of chaos theory in topological dynamics, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 32 (2016), no. 1, 83–114.

李健, Magdalena Forys, Wen Huang, Piotr Oprocha

Invariant scrambled sets, uniform rigidity and weak mixing, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2016 (211), no.1, 447-472.

李健, Marcin Kulczycki, Dominik Kwietniak

Entropy of subordinate shift spaces, accepted by American Mathematical Monthly

李健, Jie Li, Siming Tu

Devaney chaos plus shadowing implies distributional chaos, Chaos 26, 093103 (2016); 6 pages


Measure-theoretic sensitivity via finite partitions, Nonlinearity, 29 (2016), no. 7, 2133-2144.

娄增建, G. Bao, R. Qian, H. Wulan

On absolute values of QK functions, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 53 (2016), No. 2, 561-568.

娄增建, R. Qian

Small Hankel operators on Dirichlet-type spaces and applications, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 19(2016), No.1, 209-220.

娄增建, J. Liu, K. Zhu

Embedding of Möbius Invariant Function Spaces into Tent Spaces, J. Geom. Anal. 27(2017), 1013–1028.

娄增建, S. Chen

关于L2(Ω,R3)中方程div b= 0,汕头大学学报(自然科学版)31(2016), No1, 1-4.(特邀)

史永杰, C.J. Yu

Trace and inverse trace of Steklov eigenvalues

谭超强, Ji Li

Somecharacterizations of upper doubling conditions on metric measure spaces

韦才敏, Wang zhenyou Lu yuanyuan

Wang zhenyou, Wei caimin and Lu yuanyuan. Permutation Flow Shop Problem with Shortening Job Processing Times.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research,2016, 33(4): 1650032-1--14.



韦才敏, Cai L., Wang J.J.

Wei C.M.,Cai L.,Wang J.J.. A discrete-time Geom/G/1 retrial queue with balking customers and second optional service.OPSEARCH,2016,53:344–357.

韦才敏, Wang zhenyou Wu yuebin

Wang Z.Y., Wei C.M.*and Wu Y.B., Single machine two-agent scheduling with deteriorating jobs. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2016, 33(5): 1650034-1—17.

韦才敏, Yan Chen, Li Cai

Yan Chen, Li Cai, Cai-min Wei. A Discrete-Time Geo/G/1 Retrial Queue with Balking Customer, Second Optional Service, Bernoulli Vacation and General Retrial Time. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2016, 367:355-366.

温智涛, Zhuan,Ye

Wiman-Valiron theorem for q-differences. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 41 (2016), no. 1, 305–312


Finite order solutions of difference equations, and difference Painlevéequations IV. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), no. 10, 4247–4260.

温智涛, Korhonen, Risto

Existence of zero-order meromorphic solutions in detecting q-difference Painlevéequations. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), no. 7, 4993–5008.

乌兰哈斯, Bao, G. Lou, Z. Qian R.

On absolute values of QK functions, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 53 (2016), 2, 561-568.

邬恩信, Paolo Giordano

Calculus in the ring of Fermat reals, Part I: Integral calculus. Advances in Mathematics, 289 (2016), pp. 888-927.


The Fermat functors. Theory and Applications of Categories, 31(28) (2016), pp. 807-832.

邬恩信, Dan Christensen

Tangent spaces and tangent bundles for diffeological spaces. Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle Categoriques, 57(1) (2016), pp. 3-50.


Topological classification of function spaces with the Fell topology III, Topology and its applications,197(2016),112-132.

叶瑞松, Yuting Xi, Xing zhang

Color image encryption based on multiple chaotic systems, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, 8(5), 39-50, 2016

叶瑞松, Haiying Zhao

An Affine Transformation Based Image Shuffling and Watermarking Scheme, Z. Pan et al. (Eds.): Transactions on Edutainment XII, LNCS 9292, pp. 174–186,2016.

叶瑞松, Yuting Xi, Yuanlin Ma

A Chaotic Image Encryption Scheme Using Swapping Based Confusion Approach, Proceedings of the first IEEE Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet ,pp. 374-377,Wuhan, October, 2016

叶瑞松, Meng Ge

A Novel Self-adaptive Color Image Encryption Scheme, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology,40(1), 39-44,2016


Trace and inverse trace of Steklov eigenvalues. J. Differential Equations 261(2016), 2026–2040.

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