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走向现代数学-系列学术报告(No.450)(乔艺晓 博士)
日期: 2021-10-25      信息来源:      点击数:
题目:The Hilbert cube contains a minimal subshift of full mean dimension

报告人: 乔艺晓 博士(华南师范大学)



摘要:I shall address an embedding problem in mean dimension theory, which concerns the embedding behavior in relation to a critical value and which has been open for a decade. I will present its background briefly in my talk, and will give a complete solution to this problem, which eventually enables us to have a full understanding of the embedding possibility of minimal dynamical systems in the Hilbert cube with a view towards mean dimension. This is a joint work with Lei Jin.

报告人简介:乔艺晓,现任华南师范大学特聘副研究员;2018年分别获得中国科学技术大学和波兰科学院数学研究所 (IMPAN) 基础数学博士学位。其研究方向是拓扑动力系统,尤其是平均维数 (mean dimension) 理论以及与其相关的动力学嵌入问题;研究论文发表于 GAFA, Fundamenta Mathematicae, Nonlinearity, ETDS, JDE 等学术期刊。


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