报告题目:Construction of the moduli space of Higgs bundles using analytic methods
报 告 人:范越 博士 (马里兰大学)
报告时间:2020年6月20日周六早9:00 (北美19号周五晚21:00)
报告地点:腾讯会议:969 577 601 密码:12354
摘要: Introduced by Hitchin, a Higgs bundle (E,\Phi) on a complex manifold X is a holomorphic vector bundle E together with an End(E)-valued holomorphic 1-form \Phi. The moduli space of Higgs bundles was constructed by Nitsure where X is a smooth projective curve and by Simpson where X is a smooth projective variety. They both used Geometric Invariant Theory, and the moduli space is a quasi-projective variety. It is a folklore theorem that the Kuranishi slice method can be used to construct this moduli space as a complex space where X is a closed Riemann surface. I will present a proof of this folklore theorem and show that the resulting complex space is biholomorphic the one in the categhory of schemes. Moreover, I will briefly talk about some applications of this new construction.