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Quantitative unique continuation and Observation for Diffusion equations(No. 498)
日期: 2022-05-25      信息来源:      点击数:

报告题目: Quantitative unique continuation and Observation for Diffusion equations

报告人:段月亮 博士(汕头大学)

报告时间:2022年3月25日 15:00


Abstract: In this paper, we obtain a quantitative estimate of unique continuation and an observability inequality from an equidistributed set for solutions of the diffusion equation in the whole space RN.  This kind of observability indicates that the total energy of solutions can be controlled by the energy localized in a measurable subset, which is equidistributed over the whole space. The proof of our results is based on an interesting reduction method , as well as the propagation of smallness for the gradient of solutions to elliptic equations.

简介:段月亮博士,汕头大学数学系讲师,毕业于武汉大学数学与统计学院。主要的研究方向为微分方程的控制理论。在《SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization》、《J. Optim.Theory Appl.》、《Z. Angew. Math. Phys.》和《Nonlinear Analysis.Real World Applications》等期刊上发表6篇学术论文。

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