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Maximal point spaces of closed interval posets
日期: 2022-05-30      信息来源:      点击数:

研究生学术论坛:何兆容博士生 - 走向现代数学学术报告(No. 515)

报告题目: Maximal point spaces of closed interval posets

报告人:何兆容 博士生(汕头大学)



摘要: The study of the connection between domain theory and relativity theory by Martin and Panangaden also leads to the consideration of the closed interval poset of a general dcpo. In this talk, we discuss several aspects of the general closed interval posets, including their maximal point spaces, some new topologies induced on posets and certain order properties. This is a joint work with Zhongqiang Yang and Dongsheng Zhao.

报告人简介: 何兆容, 汕头大学在读博士研究生, 研究方向为拓扑学, 主要研究无限维拓扑和Domain 理论。相关成果发表在Topology and its Applications等杂志。

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