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G-equivariant Szeg\H{o} kernel asymptotics on CR manifolds
日期: 2022-10-20      信息来源:      点击数:

走向现代数学学术报告-邵国宽副教授 (No. 539)


报告题目:G-equivariant Szeg\H{o} kernel asymptotics on CR manifolds

报告人:邵国宽 副教授(中山大学珠海校区)




报告摘要:Let $X$ be a compact connected strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold. Assume that $X$ admits a connected compact Lie group $G$ action. Under certain natural assumptions on $G$, we show that the G-equivariant Szeg\H{o} kernel is a complex Fourier integral operator, smoothing away from $\mu^{-1}(0)$, where $\mu$ denotes the CR moment map. By applying our result to the case when X also admits a transversal CR $S^1$ action, we deduce an asymptotic expansion for the $m$-th Fourier component of the G-equivariant Szeg\H{o} kernel as $m\to\infty$ and compute the coefficients of the first two lower order terms. This talk is based on joint work with Chin-Yu Hsiao and Rung-Tzung Huang.


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