走向现代数学学术报告 - 史恩慧教授(No. 549)
报告题目:Rigidity for non-left-orderable group actions on dendrites
报 告 人:史恩慧 教授(苏州大学)
摘要:We establish two rigidity theorems for non-left-orderable group actions on dendrites. Explicitly, letting X be a dendrite without infinite order points, we show that if G is a non-virtually-left-orderable small group, then no G-action on X is almost free; and if G is a higher rank lattice, then every G-action on X is almost finite. This is a joint work with Hui Xu.
报告人简介:史恩慧,苏州大学教授,主要研究方向为群作用拓扑动力系统。先后主持多项国家自然科学基金,在TAMS,Israel J. Math., ETDS, GGD, JDE, Fund.Math.等杂志上发表多篇研究成果。