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Chaotic Behavior of Dynamical Systems Driven by an External Forcing
日期: 2022-11-28      信息来源:      点击数:

走向现代数学学术报告 - 吕克宁教授(No.  560)

报告题目:Chaotic  Behavior of Dynamical Systems Driven by an External  Forcing

报 告 人:吕克宁  教授(四川大学)


腾讯会议ID 545-190-437

摘要:This talk contains three parts: (1) The existence of SRB  measures and their properties for infinite dimensional dynamical systems and SRB  measures for parabolic PDEs undergoing Hopf bifurcations driven by a periodic  forcing with applications to the Brusselator; (2) Positive entropy implying the  existence of horseshoes for infinite dimensional random dynamical systems; (3)  Chaotic behavior of Anosov systems driven by an external forcing. This is based  on the joint works with Wen Huang, Zeng Lian, Peidong Liu, Qiudong Wang and  Lai-Sang Young.

报告人简介:吕克宁教授是微分方程与无穷维动力系统专家,曾任Brigham  Young UniversityMichigan  State University教授,现任四川大学教授,2017年获首届“张芷芬数学奖”,2020年入选AMS  fellow,现任国际学术刊物JDE共同主编。他在不变流形和不变叶层,Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen测度,熵和Lyapunov指数以及随机动力系统的光滑共轭理论和随机偏微分方程的动力学方面做出了多个工作,相关论文发表在《Inventiones  mathematicae》、《Communications  on Pure and Applied Mathematics》、《Memoirs  of the American Mathematical Society》等学术期刊上。

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