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Dynamical behavior that are statistically trivial but topologically complicated
日期: 2023-06-30      信息来源:      点击数:

走向现代数学学术报告 - 田学廷教授(No. 644)

报告题目:Dynamical behavior that are statistically trivial but topologically complicated

报告人:田学廷 教授 (复旦大学)

时间:2023年7月3日 9:30


摘要:In this talk we will consider many different asymptotic behavior and show that they are usually statistically trivial but topologically complicated in various classes of chaotic systems. For example: (1) Lyapunov irregular points can carry full topological entropy and strong distributional chaos; (2) Points without SRB or SRB-like behavior can carry full topological entropy and strong distributional chaos; (3) Points with or without transitive behavior, recurrent behavior by using different frequency can form more than thirty different dynamical behavior, most of which are discovered to be statistically trivial but all carry strong topological complexity in the sense of full topological entropy and distributional chaos.


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