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Geometry and cohomology of compactified Deligne--Lusztig varieties
日期: 2024-05-23      信息来源:      点击数:

走向现代数学学术报告 - Yingying Wang博士(No. 717)

报告题目:Geometry and cohomology of compactified Deligne--Lusztig varieties

报告人:Yingying Wang 博士(University of Duisburg-Essen)

报告时间:2024年5月29日 15:00

zoom link:https://uni-due.zoom-x.de/j/66946760990?pwd=MlB2Z05pQ2VUekRXUUlxeWhKZnBRdz09

zoom meeting id:669 4676 0990

zoom password:(开始前公布)

报告摘要:Deligne--Lusztig varieties are fundamental objects in the study of irreducible representations in characteristic 0 of finite reductive groups. I will discuss the cohomology of the structure and canonical sheaf for compactified Deligne--Lusztig varieties, as one of the first steps in understanding the situation in defining characteristic.

报告人简介:Yingying Wang 于 2022 年在德国 University of Wuppertal 获得博士学位,目前任职于德国 University of Duisburg-Essen,主要研究包括特征 p 情形的 Deligne--Lusztig 簇的上同调。

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