走向现代数学学术报告 - 王超副研究员(No. 742)
题目:Self-supervised Representations for Spectral and Temporal Imaging
报告人:王超 副研究员(南方科技大学)
时间:2024年11月8日 10:00
摘要:Spectral and temporal imaging problems such as hyperspectral imaging and dynamic medical image reconstruction have been widely encountered in machine learning and computer vision. These areas often encounter challenges associated with high dimensionality and limited ground truth data. In this talk, I will discuss several self-supervised learning strategies that apply to various applications, from remote sensing to computational imaging. The proposed approaches integrate the concept of low-rank matrix factorization, leverage continuity through neural representation, and employ variational techniques from a model-based approach. Extensive experimental results reveal that these self-supervised learning techniques perform competitively, often outperforming traditional supervised learning methods in various real-world imaging scenarios.