陈哲 博士(杜伦大学) 职称/职务:讲师 研究方向:表示论与数论 办公电话:+86-(0)754-86503743 办公地点:D栋南塔115 Email:chenzhe at stu.edu.cn |
Zhe Chen. Hopf algebra and the duality operation for gl_n(F_q). Preprint.
Zhe Chen. On a stability of higher level Coxeter unipotent representations. Preprint.
Zhe Chen and Alexander Stasinski. The algebraisation of higher level Deligne--Lusztig representations II: odd levels. Preprint.
Zhe Chen. Intersections of Deligne--Lusztig varieties and Springer fibres. Preprint.
Zhe Chen. Twisting operators and centralisers of Lie type groups over local rings. Journal of Algebra, 2022.
Zhe Chen. Flags and orbits of connected reductive groups over local rings. Mathematische Annalen, 2020.
Zhe Chen. A note on cusp forms and representations of SL_2(F_p). Journal of Group Theory, 2021.
Zhe Chen. Green functions and higher Deligne--Lusztig characters. Documenta Mathematica, 2018.
Zhe Chen. On the inner products of some Deligne--Lusztig-type representations. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2020.
Zhe Chen. Generic character sheaves on reductive groups over a finite ring. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2021.
Zhe Chen and Alexander Stasinski. The algebraisation of higher Deligne--Lusztig representation. Selecta Mathematica, 2017.